hexmesh is mainly used to fasten the refractory ducts linings, etc. Catalytic cracker, reactors, cyclone and u-type actifier ducts in oil and chemical industry; Furnaces linings erosion resistant, ducts elbow in electrical industry; Furnaces, actifier reactors in petroleum refinery. Alloys(1Cr13) mainly for refractory resistant, 1Cr18Ni9Ti or 0Cr18Ni9 for erosion resistant.
Since Hex Metal's flexibility allows it to be rolled, it easily conforms to circular shapes. It is ideal for lining Ducts, Furnaces, Reactor Vessels, Cyclones, Flue Gas Lines and other high temperature equipment of virtually any shapes.
Flex metal is the direct counterpart of Hex metal. It performs all the same functions in reinforcement of thin wall refractory linings, while its' design allows free form rolling to very small diameters. Hex metal becomes impractical when the section of plant being protected is of small diameter. The free rolling capabilities of Flex metal allows plant as small as 150 mm to be lined. Typical applications include Air Distributors, Cyclone Diplegs, Fan Cases, or any other plants where the practicality of free rolling material is beneficial to maintenance activities.